Welcome to ZPlayer a Windows Phone 7 / Zune themed media player. Zplayer has become a favorite of many music enthusiasts, who want more than the average music or video player on their mobile devices. It wears a Windows Phone 7 / Zune theme, and so keeps the minimalistic user interface, but incorporates more features into one application than any Android music player available!
ZPlayer offers:
•Music album reviews, artist biographies, artist top tracks, top songs, top albums, similar artists, similar albums, artist events*, song lyrics*, last.fm scrobbling, last.fm ‘now playing’ status updates, last.fm ‘likes’ submissions
•Music album reviews, artist biographies, artist top tracks, top songs, top albums, similar artists, similar albums, artist events*, song lyrics*, last.fm scrobbling, last.fm ‘now playing’ status updates, last.fm ‘likes’ submissions