Download BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) Full Version
BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) is a very capable tool BlackBerry users both novice, intermediate to advanced to tamper with the BlackBerry Operating System and applications.
BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) canback up applications, remove the OS on the BlackBerry to downgrade or clean install, take screenshots, removing IT Policy and is a tool used by the master to make the Hybrid OS on the BlackBerry.
A feature of the BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife is very rich and have more functionality than the BlackBerry Desktop Manager application, but it is advisable to be careful using it because of an error the operation can make your BlackBerry is not working.
BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) canback up applications, remove the OS on the BlackBerry to downgrade or clean install, take screenshots, removing IT Policy and is a tool used by the master to make the Hybrid OS on the BlackBerry.
A feature of the BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife is very rich and have more functionality than the BlackBerry Desktop Manager application, but it is advisable to be careful using it because of an error the operation can make your BlackBerry is not working.
- Back Up Apps: Helpful to back up 3rd party applications on the BlackBerry.
- Load OS: Can we say shortcut bypassing the OS upgrade the BlackBerry Desktop Manager that is where the first Install the OS to be in use.
- Wipe Device: Facilities for wiping
- Restore Apps: The facility is owned BBSAK to restore a file back-ups we've done before
- Read system: BBSAK have the ability to read the BlackBerry system down to the details therein file.cod
- Install CoD: BBSAK able to do the installation files in the format. COD directly without media in the BlackBerry Desktop manager to us.
- Save COD: Ability where BBSAK can store files that we want from one application in the BlackBerry we are where we feel the file is very important or we ourselves forget the OTA download link the file so it takes to save the file manually
- Remove COD: This facility is very important because if we install the files. COD directly (through BBSAK) we can not do delete the file in the user application menu on our BlackBerry. For that we need to remove it through the Remove facility. COD BBSAK
- Install JAD: This facility allows for us to Installing the file. Jad into the BlackBerry. Files in his usual form. Jad used as a facility Download OTA but sometimes there are files that are already available in the form. Jad without having to pass through OTA (over the air). If several are used to create your own theme of course is very useful without us call the file. Cod so much and just simply call the file. Jad only.
- JAD maker: This tool is usually for some BlackBerry expert is in the interest because one of the primary and the absolute requirement to upload files. Cod and can be downloaded by OTA is the file is completed. Jad
- Screen Shot: screen capture facility for BlackBerry
- Read event log: Log activity to read our BlackBerry
- Factory reset: This facility is essential if we are scars on the BlackBerry pake in the BES system, because the BES IT Policy should be active. To so IT Policy in a disabled condition must be done Setting Factory Unlocked
- Dumb Phone: BBSAK to save all. Cod
- Clear Event Log: Clearing Logs on our BlackBerry